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When you ask one of the most popular chatbots to write your college admissions essay, the bot responds:
Even if a bot could write your personal statement for you, it wouldn’t be able reflect on and write about your unique experiences authentically. Only you can do that.
By focusing on expansive brainstorming to find a topic you are excited to write about, you will easily be able to “beat the bot” and produce an effective essay—one that helps admissions readers get to know you more deeply and realize why they want you on their campus!
Once you’ve landed on a topic that motivates you through brainstorming, it will be much easier to start outlining your essay or writing your first draft.
What Should You Write About?
One of the most important things for students to know is that they don’t need to pick the highest high or the lowest low in their life to make an effective personal statement. Often, compelling personal statements are about small moments in a student’s life that reveal their inner emotions.
Most importantly, whatever you write about in your personal statement should not be a laundry list of your accomplishments. That’s what your resume and the Activities section of the Common Application are for. You’re going for depth not breadth.
Your personal statement should complement the rest of your application by introducing something new about you. Read these
examples of effective personal statements
from admitted applicants to Johns Hopkins University.
5 Ideas to Boost your Brainstorming
So how do you find a good personal statement topic? Here are some brainstorming ideas to get you started.
Take out a piece of paper or open up a Google doc to complete any (or, even better, all) of these exercises.
Once you’ve completed these exercises, you’ve hopefully come up with a couple of topic ideas. You may even want to write rough drafts of two different essays if you’re not sure which one will work best.
So embrace the brainstorming process. Give yourself the opportunity to reflect on times when you experienced the most growth as a person. Seize those moments to write about and be confident in your ability to beat the bot!
This page is licensed under Creative Commons under Attribution 4.0 International. Anyone can share content from this page, with attribution and link to College MatchPoint requested.
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