One of the most powerful ways to learn about a college or university is through social media. While not all information is created equal, much of it can be a useful tool to suss out what a school is really like before you get to visit. We’ve outlined some tips to help you maximize your social media searching!
- Start with the college's social media channels. Go to the college’s home page, scroll to the bottom and select your channel of choice! This is a great way to find the information YOU want, in quick and easy snippets. Also take a moment to look for related pages of sports teams, clubs and majors that interest you
- Each social media channel has it’s pro’s:
- Snapchat - Typically student run, though backed by the school itself. Often a great place to see a “day in the life”.
- Instagram - Beautiful snapshots with information and announcements. Curious what campus looks like at different times of the day? Wondering what's new? Instagram is a great place to stay up to date!
- YouTube - A curated video repository. Want to see the library and the dorm rooms without sitting through the entire online tour? Maybe you’d like to hear from some alumni? This is the place to watch short videos to get all of the information YOU want.
- Facebook - Facebook is often the parent tool of choice. Learn more about parent perspectives, events on campus, and campus responses to any incidents and current events.
- Twitter - Twitter is often updated the most and connected to all other campus departments. A quick and easy way to find up to date information on just about anything.
- Look at the people in the background. The person in the foreground is likely doing this post on purpose. But the people in the background are often going about their day. Do they look happy? Are they wearing their college gear? This might tell you what the student life is really like.
- Be careful of user generated content. Often, students create their own honest content and much of it is helpful insider looks. Understand that each positive and each negative thing you read should be considered within a larger context.
Social media, as always, is what you make of it! Use your internet savvy skills to parse through it and see if you could imagine yourself in any of the posts. If you like what you see, you may want to visit the campus in person if it’s possible! If you do not like what you see online, you probably won’t like it any better in person. This is a great tool in your college research tool box with the added bonus of helping show demonstrated interest if you do end up applying to the college!