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Studying abroad can help students become more independent and open-minded, while developing foreign language skills and cross-cultural awareness. While many colleges and universities offer study abroad experiences, the programs can vary widely from school to school. If your student hopes to study abroad during their college years, it's important for them to explore the programs offered at the schools they're considering.
The first step is to identify the type of study abroad experience that your student is looking for:
Thinking about those questions will help your student evaluate the specific study abroad options offered at each school. And it's okay if they don't have all the answers yet! The goal is to get them thinking and be sure there aren't any deal-breakers they hadn't even considered.
Study abroad programs typically fall into two categories:
University-based programs
These programs are run by the student's college, often in partnership with local universities in the study abroad location.
For-profit programs
These programs are run by private organizations licensed through universities.
There are also some schools that allow students to spend their entire college career abroad. These types of programs typically have additional application requirements, and students can find out more through the college or university offering them.
The opportunity to study abroad can be life-changing, and we encourage all students to consider the option. If it's something your student is interested in, they should be sure their college list includes lots of schools with study abroad programs that suit them best
This page is licensed under Creative Commons under Attribution 4.0 International. Anyone can share content from this page, with attribution and link to College MatchPoint requested.
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