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The first—and possibly most important—step in the application process is deciding which schools to apply to. There are thousands of factors to consider when choosing which colleges to put on a final college application list, and hundreds of schools that might fit the bill, so we urge parents and students alike to keep an open mind and not to be swayed by name recognition alone!
College match refers to the how a school matches a student's academic, social, geographic and financial criteria. Rather than starting with a wishlist, it is most effective when students consider their individual personalities, skills and talents as they develop that criteria. While a student's test scores and grade point averages may be identical to their friend, their criteria likely differs a great deal.
Students are not the only ones looking for a good match. While the academic match continues to be a core criteria for the college, admissions committees are increasingly taking a holistic approach. This means admissions officers place emphasis on the applicant as a whole person, not just his or her academic achievements, so soft factors may be given just as much consideration as the empirical data present in hard factors. Colleges want to ensure that their entering first-year class consists of well-rounded students whose personalities, skills and talents match the culture of their institution.
These are not the only criteria to consider, of course, but this guide offers a starting point to help you begin the process of elimination as you build your college list. Take the time to identify other criteria that are important to you to help you find schools where you can thive.
This page is licensed under Creative Commons under Attribution 4.0 International. Anyone can share content from this page, with attribution and link to College MatchPoint requested.
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